Feral Fables Opens At Rosalux Gallery Saturday October 7th, 7-10 PM

Rosalux Gallery is proud to announce it’s newest exhibition, Feral Fables: O Pioneer & Family Fremds, featuring new work from artists Areca Roe and Terrence Payne. Feral Fables looks at the careless consequences of political and natural disasters, which echo loudly with each new inevitable iteration. Roe’s O Pioneer hearkens back to the style of photographs of the Western landscape from the late 1800s  documenting a new world of disasters and possibilities and reinterprets these notions through a modern lens. Paynes’s Family Fremds takes a hard look at how misrepresentations of faith have been used to tear apart traditional bonds of trust and fellowship over and again throughout history.  Rosalux will host a special artists reception on Saturday, October 7th from 7-1- PM.

Roslaux Gallery is located at 1400 Van Buren Street NE, Suite 195.  Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays from noon to 4 PM.  Admission is always free and open to the public.  For high res image samples or further information on this exhibition please contact the artists directly at terrencepayneart@gmail.com , arecaroe@umn.edu